Civil Engineering specializing in Structures, Construction and Geotechnia; in Hydro, Health and Environment or in Transportation

Academic Degrees:

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

Professional Degree:

Civil Engineer specialized in Structures-Construction, Water-Health-Environment or Transportation


12 academic semesters, day schedule, semi-flexible curriculum


 Civil Engineering concerns itself with design and construction of large infrastructure works such as buildings, water works, and transportation. Its modern conception goes further to include urban and rural systems management, dealing with aspects of disaster prevention, traffic control, water resource management, waste treatment and all activities necessary for the welfare of society. The program focuses on basic training in all traditional areas of Civil Engineering (Structures, Construction, Geotechnics, Hydraulics, Sanitation, Environmental and Transportation) and further specializations that offer more comprehensive studies in particular areas. 

Employment opportunities

Following the specialization, Civil Engineers can work in construction companies, real estate, mining, agencies related to hydroelectric power, potable water, residuals and industrial treatment plants, public and private air and land transport companies, as independent consults, in State organizations, universities or research centers.


 Address Ave. Beauchef 850, 3rd floor, Santiago
Phone +562 29784417