Biotechnology Engineering

Academic Degrees:

Bachelor of Sciences in Engineering, specializing in Biotechnology

Professional Degree:

Biotechnology Engineer


12 semesters, day schedule, semi-flexible curriculum


Biotechnology has become an effective tool to increase sustainability in production of renewable resources and in the healing of the environment. Biotechnology Engineers study techniques of genetic recombination, cell cultures, embryonic manipulation, enzyme engineering and bioprocesses. One can work in industry areas of fermentation and enzyme processes, foods and fishing, forestry and agroindustry, pharmaceutical, cellulose and paper, environmental management, cellular and genetic therapy, etc.

Employment opportunities

Biotechnology Engineers can work in industries related to fermentation and enzyme processes, foods and fishing, forestry and agroindustry, pharmaceuticals, cellulose and paper, biohydrometallurgic processes, in waste treatment plants, in cellular and genetic therapy, enzyme production and protein recombination. These are areas where such engineers can carry out basic applied research, develop industries and biotechnological companies as well as evaluate projects at a national and international level.


 Address Ave. Beauchef 850, 3rd floor, Santiago
Phone +562 29784417