Electrical Engineering

Academic Degrees:

Bachelor of Sciences in Electrical Engineering

Professional Degree:

Electrical Engineer


12 semesters, day schedule, semi-flexible curriculum


Electrical engineers are prepared to work in the generation, transmission and distribution of electric energy, in development of new technologies associated with telecommunications, electronics, mechatronics, robotics, on the application of control techniques in industry and mining in developing computational intelligence tools and of new analysis methods for signals and images, computer vision, voice processing and pattern classification. Engineers also work in large electric and mining companies, telecommunications, healthcare, finance, public works, manufacturing, and also in creating new technological development companies. The specializations are: Automation and Bioengineering, Electric Energy or Telecommunications and Electronics, Robotics, Astronomical Instrumentation, Voice and Image Processing.

Employment opportunities

Public and private electric utilities, telecommunications, mining, finance, healthcare, manufacturing and services, in addition to the independent exercise of the profession, the creation of new companies, pursing academic program studies that originate in universities and research centers.

 Address Ave. Beauchef 850, 3rd floor, Santiago
Phone +562 29784417
Email colegios@ing.uchile.cl