Proyectos FONDECYT Regular 2015 aprobados con Investigadores Responsables en la FCFM

Investigador Responsable Departamento Título proyecto Duración
Adams Martin  Ingeniería Eléctrica Advances in SLAM based on visual, lidar and radar statistical detection modelling and random finite sets 4 años
Barra De La Guarda Felipe
Física Steady states of open quantum systems and temporal behavior of isolated spatially extended quantum systems driven by a local time dependent parameter 4 años
Becerra Yoma Néstor Ingeniería Eléctrica Voice based interfaces for cooperative robot swarm 4 años
Beltran Morales Juan Felipe Ingeniería Civil Static capacity curves of damaged ropes 3 años
Clerc Gavilán Marcel Física Self-organization in photo-isomerization fronts 3 años
Correa Fontecilla Rafael

Ingeniería Matemática Variational analysis of asymptotically epi-pointed functions 4 años
Del Pino Manresa Manuel Ingeniería Matemática Geometric asymptotic patterns in nonlinear elliptic and parabolic problems 4 años
Díaz Quezada Marcos
Ingeniería Eléctrica Cubesat platform for space and technology research 4 años
Duarte Mermoud Manuel   Ingeniería Eléctrica Fractional error models in adaptive control and applications 4 años
Espinoza González Daniel Ingeniería Industrial Mixed-Integer and network optimization: lgorithmic and practical problems 4 años
Espinoza González Rodrigo Ciencia de los Materiales Thin films of doped ceramics prepared by magnetron sputtering for high dielectric constant applications 3 años
Fischer Barkan Ronald Ingeniería Industrial Financial Market Imperfections, Wealth Distribution and Economic Performance 3 años
Fontbona Torres Joaquín  Ingeniería Matemática Quantitative trend to equilibrium for some continuous time Markov processes and propagation of chaos for interacting mean field particle models 4 años
Hantoute Abderrahim  Centro de Modelamiento Matemático Convex integral functionals: subdifferential calculus and applications 4 años
Huneeus Lagos Nicolas  Geofísica Dispersion modeling study of urban and rural black carbon in central Chile and its deposition to the Andean Cryosphere 3 años
Ilkilic Rahmi  Ingeniería Industrial Bargaining in networks with incomplete information 3 años
Janiak Alexandre  Ingeniería Industrial Search and finance 3 años
Lambert Fabrice  Geofísica Santiago pollution in Andean mountains 3 años
Méndez Bussard René Astronomía Information and decision theory applied to the measurement of quantities of astronomical interest: The case of ground- and space-based astrometry and photometry 3 años
Montoya Moreira Ricardo Ingeniería Industrial Product design and assortment planning with non-compensatory preferences under competition 4 años
Mosquera Vargas Edgar  Ciencia de los Materiales Nanostructured II-VI semiconductor materials and arrays: Synthesis, characterization and field emission studies 3 años
Mujica Fernández Nicolás  Física Dynamics of confined noncohesive granular systems 3 años
Muñoz Cerón Claudio
Ingeniería Matemática Description of long time dynamics for some nonlinear dispersive equations 4 años
Núñez Vásquez Alvaro Física Manipulation and detection of isolated magnetic skyrmions 4 años
Ochoa Sergio Ciencias de la Computación Reducing social isolation of elderly people using social media and ambient intelligence 3 años
Osses Alvarado Axel Ingeniería Matemática Inverse problems in physical sciences and engineering 4 años
Palma Behnke Rodrigo IngenieríaEléctrica Optimal storage technology mix in power systems with high penetration of variable renewable energy sources 3 años
Palza Cordero Humberto Química y Biotecnología Development of polymer composites based on graphene nanoparticles 4 años
Robbes Romain Pierre  Ciencias de la Computación Challenges in mining developer interaction data in the small and in the large 4 años
Sánchez Ilabaca Jaime Ciencias de la Computación Conocer con interfaces multimodales en aprendices ciegos, CIMAC 3 años
Tanter Eric Pierre 
Ciencias de la Computación Gradual software verification: Foundations and applications 4 años
Triossi Verondini Matteo
Ingeniería Industrial Matching and market design: Implementation and networks 4 años
Villena Roldán Benjamín  Ingeniería Industrial Online labor markets 3 años
