Proyectos FONDECYT Iniciación 2020 aprobados con Investigadores Responsables de la FCFM


Investigador Responsable Departamento Título proyecto
Ahumada Sanhueza Constanza 
Física Reduction of TORsional vibrations in ships (ROTORVIS)
Bravo Márquez Felipe Ciencias de la Computación Tracking social public opinion: a stream-mining based approach

Godoy Neira Benigno  CEGA Slab-derived fluids contribution to arc magmatism at the Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex (Central Andes, northern Chile) by Boron and Oxygen isotopes systematics
Larrea Marquez Patricia Geología Evolution of a mafic monogenetic volcanic field within the main arc of the Central Andes (Northern Chile)
Mendoza Zúñiga Pablo Ingeniería Civil Robust estimates of current and future water resources across a hydroclimatic gradient in Chile
Pérez Fodich Alida Geología Chemical weathering fluxes from continental arc volcanoes and their implication for elemental and atmospheric CO2 budgets in the Southern Andes
Quiroz Brito Daniel  Ingeniería Matemática Graph theory: Interplay between chromatic and structural properties
Sepúlveda Donoso Leonardo  CMM Geometric properties of two-dimensional random fields