Proyectos FONDECYT Iniciación 2015 aprobados con Investigadores Responsables de la FCFM

Investigador Responsable Departamento Título proyecto Duración
Blanc Mendiberri Guillermo  Astronomía Star formation and ISM physics across different envrionments: dissecting nearby galaxies with 3D multi-wavelength spectroscopy 3 años
Caraballo Monge Manuel Ingeniería de Minas The influence of non-classical nucleation processes in the formation of amorphous to nanocrystalline transitional phases in environmental aqueous solutions 3 años
Flores Martinez Salvador Alejandro Centro de Modelamiento Matemático Theoretical and computational aspects of l1-norm related statistical methods: leverage, robustness and error bounds  3 años
Lizama Allende Katherine  Ingeniería Civil Removing arsenic, boron and iron from contaminated water using laboratory-scale horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands: identifying fate and partitioning of pollutants in the solid phase as conceptual basis for constructed wetlands design 3 años
Reyes Guzmán Nicolás  Ingeniería Eléctrica High performance millimeter wave devices for the future  2 años
Viale Maximiliano Geofísica Orographic precipitation over the southern Andes: the impact of atmospheric rivers, crossbarrier precipitating cloud properties, and physical processes 3 años
