2024-03-13 2024-03-13

Conferencias y seminarios

Seminario DAS: AGN jets at the finest scales



Miércoles 13 de marzo de 2024




Auditorio Central, DAS, Cerro Calan

(Camino El Observatorio 1515, Las Condes)


Departamento de Astronomía

Speaker: Dr. Mikhail Lisakov
Affiliation: Lebedev Physical Institute/ Max Planck Institute for Radioastronomy
Abstract: Active galactic nuclei are the most energetic objects in the Universe and relativistic jets lanched by their central black holes are visible even at high redshifts. Recent advancements in high-resolution interferometric techniques have brought us closer to understanding how these relativistic jets are formed. Cutting-edge imaging facilities, such as the Event Horizon Telescope and RadioAstron space-ground interferometer, have revealed that the initial structure of these jets is much more complex than previously believed. We have discovered various types of instabilities, precession, and stratification within the transverse structure of these jets in a growing number of cases. In some sources we observe interaction between the jet and the ambient medium and also the accretion disk. In this presentation, I will provide an overview of the latest research on relativistic jets, focusing on the highest level of detail we can observe, and give a hint on how far are we from definitive answers to the main questions.