2024-11-06 2024-11-06

Conferencias y seminarios

Seminario DAS: Imaging the sky in gamma rays: a window to the energetic universe



Miércoles 06 de noviembre de 2024




Auditorio Central, DAS

(Camino El Observatorio 1515, Las Condes)


Departamento de Astronomía

Speaker: Dr. Armelle Jardin-Blicq
Affiliation: French-Chilean Astronomical Laboratory (FCAL)

Abstract: At the far end of the electromagnetic spectrum are the most energetic photons: gamma rays can tell us about physics in exotic objects, extreme environments, and violent events. The gamma-ray domain has only been accessible for a few decades, and the detection techniques, reconstruction methods and analysis tools have grown very rapidly, allowing us to detect and study a few hundreds of sources up to the very-high-energy range (100 GeV - 100 TeV). I will present the main instruments used to observe the sky in gamma rays, and the different techniques to detect them and reconstruct their properties. Then, I will tell you about the main object of my research: gamma-ray halos.