Conferencias y seminarios
Charla: “Structuring Digital Twins for Disasters Management Based on a Blackboard”
- Comunicaciones DCC
Jueves 06 de marzo de 2025
Sala Ada Lovelace (P306)
(Edificio Poniente Beauchef 851)Organiza
Expositor: Rodrigo Santos (DEIC, CONICET, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina)
Descripción: Every year, natural disasters cause lost human lives and property. For instance, unexpected floods and wild fires affecting urban areas are everyday more frequent due to the climate change. When it happens most of the physical and service infrastructure in the affected area collapse, or is eventually shut down to protect civilians. This negatively affects the gathering of information required by first response organizations to count on awareness situation that helps them make decisions. Trying to contribute to reduce the information and communication limitations during natural disaster response processes, in this talk we propose the use of digital twin systems to help first responders obtain situation awareness and make better and on-time decisions. These digital twin systems are based on both the blackboard architecture to collect, manage and share information, and a crowdsourcing approach to gather information gathering from civilians.