Programs and current projects
Major Programs
7 Programs= ($9 billions CHP / approx.: $17 million USD) in 2013
- Center for Climate Research and Resiliancy - (CR)2
- Center for Solar Energy Research - SERC-Chile
- Andean Geothermal Center of Excellence CEGA
- Center of Astrophysics and Related Technologies - CATA
- Advanced Mining Center for Technolgy - AMCT
- Center for Mathematical Modeling - CMM
- Institute for Complex Systems Engineering - ISCI
Research Projects and R&D
- Fondecyt: 160 projects ($3.4 billions CHP /approx. $6,400,000 USD)
- Anillos de Investigación "Research Rings": 3 projects ($150 millions CHP / approx. $283,000 USD)
- Fondef: 14 projects ($130 millions CHP/ approx. $240,000 USD)