El Laboratorio NICLABS realiza investigación en protocolos e infraestructura de Internet, además de monitoreo de calidad de servicio y de seguridad de Internet. NICLABS provee estudios periódicos de la calidad de servicio de internet y software de apoyo a sus funciones (y a la infraestructura de Internet) vía aplicaciones de código abierto disponibles en .
Equipos e instrumentos:
Servidores HP, Computadores de escritorio HP, Dispositivos móviles con sistema operativo Android. Switches Cisco. Routers DLINK.
Miembros permanentes del laboratorio:
- PhD Javier Bustos-Jiménez,
- PhD Álvaro Graves,
- PhD Alejandro Hevia,
- PhD Felipe Lalanne,
- PhD Hugo Méric,
- PhD José Piquer,
- PhD Patricio Reyes,
Contacto: Patricia Martínez,
Teléfono: +56 22 940 7780.
Dirección: Av. Blanco Encalada 1975, Santiago, Chile.
Académico responsable :
Javier Bustos-Jiménez
Proyectos Asociados:
- 2013-2015 MOSAIC: Mobile Crowd Sensing and data Offloading in Collaborative Networks. Comité Científico del Programa Franco Latinoamericano STIC-AMSUD.
- 2012-2014 CIRIC: Communication and Information Research and Innovation Center. INRIA/CORFO.
- 2012-2014 SCADA: Safe Composition of Autonomic Distributed Applications INRIA.
- 2012-2013 12IDL1-15665 - Monitoreo de la calidad Internet móvil. INNOVA CORFO.
- 2012-2013 12IDL1-16017 - Plataforma de medición experiencia de usuario en Internet móvil. INNOVA CORFO.
- 2012-2013 CUDEN: Collaborative Centric User-Device Networking Comité Científico del Programa Franco Latinoamericano STIC-AMSUD.
Publicaciones 2014:
Analysis of Linux UDP Sockets Concurrent Performance
D Rivera, E Acha, J Bustos-Jiménez and J Piquer
Proceedings of Chilean Workshop on Distributed Systems and Parallel Computing.
Low-Cost Threshold Cryptography HSM for OpenDNSSEC
F Cifuentes, A Hevia, F Montoto, V Ramiro, T Barros and J Bustos-Jiménez
Proceedings of Chilean Workshop on Distributed Systems and Parallel Computing.
Also presented at [LACNOG 2014],[DNS-OARC, Fall 2014], and [DNSSEC Workshop @ ICANN 48]
All packets are equal, but some are more equal than others
J Bustos-Jiménez and C Fuenzalida
Proceedings of IFIP LANC 2014
C Sandoval, C Montero, T Jokela, and A Lucero
Proceedings of MINDTREK, ACM Press.
Detecting anomalies in DNS protocol traces via passive testing and process mining
C Saint-Pierre, F Cifuentes and J Bustos-Jiménez
Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security
Location Privacy for a quality of access to mobile Internet monitoring system
G Font, J Bustos-Jiménez, A Hevia and S Blasco
Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security
Detecting Anomalies in DNS Protocol Through Process Mining
C Saint-Pierre and J Bustos-Jiménez
Usenix Security Symposium - Poster Session
Quasi-optimal grouping for broadcast systems with hierarchical modulation
H Méric, J Piquer and J Lacan
IEEE Electronics Letters
Towards Visual Overviews for Open Government Data
A Graves, J Bustos-Jiménez
Proceedings of DataWiz Workshop at ACM Hypertext 2014
Do we really need an Online Informed Consent? Discussion from a Technocratic point of view
J Bustos-Jiménez
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing: Adjunct Publication
Boxing Experience: Measuring QoS and QoE of Multimedia Streaming Using NS3, LXC and VLC
J Bustos-Jiménez, C Faundez, R Alonso, H Meric
Proceedings of Local Computer Networks Conference
Performance evaluation of streaming algorithms for network cameras
G Muñoz, H Meric, J Piquer, J Bustos-Jiménez
Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Communication and Networking for Video
C Sandoval, C Fuentes, C Montero, J Bustos, M Jordan
Journal IEEE Latin America Transactions 12 (1), 54-61
Mining Private Information from Public Data: The Transantiago Case
J Bahamonde, J Bustos-Jiménez, G Font, A Hevia, C Montero
IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine, Special issue on Pervasive Analytics and Citizen Science
Performance evaluation of bit division multiplexing combined with non-uniform QAM
H Meric, J Piquer
Proceedings of European Wireless 2014
DVB-S2 Spectrum Efficiency Improvement with Hierarchical Modulation
H Meric, J Piquer
Proceedings of IEEE ICC Selected Areas in Communications Symposium
Visual analysis to generate and validate geographical heuristics
A Graves, A Cádiz, F Lalanne, J Bustos
Journal IEEE Latin America Transactions 12 (1), 60-66