Investigador Responsable |
Departamento |
Título proyecto |
Duración |
Adams Martin |
Ingeniería Eléctrica |
Advances in SLAM based on visual, lidar and radar statistical detection modelling and random finite sets |
4 años |
Barra De La Guarda Felipe |
Física |
Steady states of open quantum systems and temporal behavior of isolated spatially extended quantum systems driven by a local time dependent parameter |
4 años |
Becerra Yoma Néstor |
Ingeniería Eléctrica |
Voice based interfaces for cooperative robot swarm |
4 años |
Beltran Morales Juan Felipe |
Ingeniería Civil |
Static capacity curves of damaged ropes |
3 años |
Clerc Gavilán Marcel |
Física |
Self-organization in photo-isomerization fronts |
3 años |
Correa Fontecilla Rafael
Ingeniería Matemática |
Variational analysis of asymptotically epi-pointed functions |
4 años |
Del Pino Manresa Manuel |
Ingeniería Matemática |
Geometric asymptotic patterns in nonlinear elliptic and parabolic problems |
4 años |
Díaz Quezada Marcos |
Ingeniería Eléctrica |
Cubesat platform for space and technology research |
4 años |
Duarte Mermoud Manuel |
Ingeniería Eléctrica |
Fractional error models in adaptive control and applications |
4 años |
Espinoza González Daniel |
Ingeniería Industrial |
Mixed-Integer and network optimization: lgorithmic and practical problems |
4 años |
Espinoza González Rodrigo |
Ciencia de los Materiales |
Thin films of doped ceramics prepared by magnetron sputtering for high dielectric constant applications |
3 años |
Fischer Barkan Ronald |
Ingeniería Industrial |
Financial Market Imperfections, Wealth Distribution and Economic Performance |
3 años |
Fontbona Torres Joaquín |
Ingeniería Matemática |
Quantitative trend to equilibrium for some continuous time Markov processes and propagation of chaos for interacting mean field particle models |
4 años |
Hantoute Abderrahim |
Centro de Modelamiento Matemático |
Convex integral functionals: subdifferential calculus and applications |
4 años |
Huneeus Lagos Nicolas |
Geofísica |
Dispersion modeling study of urban and rural black carbon in central Chile and its deposition to the Andean Cryosphere |
3 años |
Ilkilic Rahmi |
Ingeniería Industrial |
Bargaining in networks with incomplete information |
3 años |
Janiak Alexandre |
Ingeniería Industrial |
Search and finance |
3 años |
Lambert Fabrice |
Geofísica |
Santiago pollution in Andean mountains |
3 años |
Méndez Bussard René |
Astronomía |
Information and decision theory applied to the measurement of quantities of astronomical interest: The case of ground- and space-based astrometry and photometry |
3 años |
Montoya Moreira Ricardo |
Ingeniería Industrial |
Product design and assortment planning with non-compensatory preferences under competition |
4 años |
Mosquera Vargas Edgar |
Ciencia de los Materiales |
Nanostructured II-VI semiconductor materials and arrays: Synthesis, characterization and field emission studies |
3 años |
Mujica Fernández Nicolás |
Física |
Dynamics of confined noncohesive granular systems |
3 años |
Muñoz Cerón Claudio |
Ingeniería Matemática |
Description of long time dynamics for some nonlinear dispersive equations |
4 años |
Núñez Vásquez Alvaro |
Física |
Manipulation and detection of isolated magnetic skyrmions |
4 años |
Ochoa Sergio |
Ciencias de la Computación |
Reducing social isolation of elderly people using social media and ambient intelligence |
3 años |
Osses Alvarado Axel |
Ingeniería Matemática |
Inverse problems in physical sciences and engineering |
4 años |
Palma Behnke Rodrigo |
IngenieríaEléctrica |
Optimal storage technology mix in power systems with high penetration of variable renewable energy sources |
3 años |
Palza Cordero Humberto |
Química y Biotecnología |
Development of polymer composites based on graphene nanoparticles |
4 años |
Robbes Romain Pierre |
Ciencias de la Computación |
Challenges in mining developer interaction data in the small and in the large |
4 años |
Sánchez Ilabaca Jaime |
Ciencias de la Computación |
Conocer con interfaces multimodales en aprendices ciegos, CIMAC |
3 años |
Tanter Eric Pierre |
Ciencias de la Computación |
Gradual software verification: Foundations and applications |
4 años |
Triossi Verondini Matteo |
Ingeniería Industrial |
Matching and market design: Implementation and networks |
4 años |
Villena Roldán Benjamín |
Ingeniería Industrial |
Online labor markets |
3 años |