Proyectos FONDECYT Regular 2018 con Investigadores Responsables en la FCFM
Investigador Responsable |
Departamento | Título proyecto | Duración |
Aidan Hogan |
Ciencias de la Computación | Managing Dynamic Behaviour in SPARQL query services | |
Alejandro Ortiz | Ingeniería Mecánica | Enhanching the robustness of meshfree Galerkin methods for solid Mechanics simulations using the virtual element descomposition | |
Alberto de la Fuente | Ingeniería Civil | Coupled dynamics of wind-induced turbulence, primary production and carbon sequestration on shallow saline lakes of the Chilean Altiplano Region | |
Andrés Escala | Astronomía | Key problems in the formation and evolution of massive black holes: a preparation to the era of gravitational wave astronomy | |
Denis Saure | Ingeniería Industrial | Approximate Dynamic Programming Methods for Adaptive Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis | |
Diana Dulic | Física | Bio-inspired single molecule electronics | |
Fausto Patricio Mena |
Ingeniería Eléctrica | In the quest for the ultimate amplifer for radio astronomy:Development of kinetic-inductance travelling-wave parametric amplifiers | |
Fethi Mhamoudi | Centro de Modelamiento Matemático | Qualitative properties of solutions to some Local and non-Local PDEs | |
Francisco Gutiérrez | Geología | The role of shallow magma reservoirs during formation of giant ore deptosits | |
Jesús Roberto Cárdenas | Ingeniería Eléctrica | Modular Multilevel conversion technologies for future generations of high-power machine drives… | |
Jinsong Wu |
Ingeniería Eléctrica | Big Data for sustainable smart cities with the aids of computacional intelligence | |
Jorge San Martín |
Ingeniería Matemática | Theoretical and numerical aspects of equations modelling fluid-solid interactions | |
José Antonio Soto | Ingeniería Matemática | Approximation and Online Algorithms for Optimazation on Matroids, Matchings and Independence Systems | |
Juan Escobar | Ingeniería Industrial | Timing in repeated interactions | |
Marcel Clerc | Física | Vortex dynamics in driven nematic liquid crystals:Theory and experimentes | |
Marcelo Olivares | Ingeniería Industrial | Managing Capacity Utilization in Service Platforms | |
María Elena Lienqueo | Ingeniería Química y Biotecnología | Development of a novel method for utilizing waste algal biomass to grow methionine -enriched Trichoderma reesei as high-value protein for feeds | |
Maya Stein | Ingeniería Matemática | Trees, degrees and colours | |
Nancy Hitschfeld | Ciencias de la Computación | Imporving algorithms for the generation of polygonal and polyhedral meshes | |
Nicolás Huneeus | Geofísica | Transport of mineral dust in northern Chile and its deposition on the Andean Cryosphere | |
Nicolás Mujica | Física/Ingeniería Química y Biotecnología | The juggling soliton: a new kind of localtized structure in a Faraday system | |
Rahmi Ilkilic | Ingeniería Industrial | Public Procurement Auctions with Bid Subsidies and Quotas | |
Richard Weber |
Ingeniería Industrial | Dynamic Clusterin using Evolving Features | |
Roberto Rondanelli | Geofísica | Atacama extreme precipitation Events: A general circulation modeling perspective | |
Rodrigo Moreno | Ingeniería Eléctrica | Resilient Network Operation and Planning against multiple natural hazards | |
Rodrigo Palma Benke |
Ingeniería Eléctrica | Chile as a Solar Energy Exporter in the Region:A holistic decision-making approach incorporating energy, water, environmental, an socio-political challenges | |
Rodrigo Soto | Física | Discrete models of active matter |