Proyectos FONDECYT Regular 2020 con Investigadores Responsables en la FCFM
Investigador Responsable |
Departamento | Título proyecto | |
Arias Federici Rodrigo Enrique |
Física | Ferromagnetic oscillators, theoretical models focused on experimental results | |
Barceló Baeza Pablo | Ciencias de la Computación | The Expressive Power of Modern Neural Network Architectures | |
Bergel Alexandre Henri | Ciencias de la Computación | MAEVA: Impact of Software Evolution on Memory and Energy Consumption | |
Cespedes Umaña Sandra Lorena | Ingeniería Eléctrica | IoT goes to space: Wireless networking protocols and architectures for IoT networks served by LEO satellite constellations | |
Donoso Fuentes Sebastián Andrés | Ingeniería Matemática | Convergence and joint ergodicity along special functions and the study of multiplicative actions | |
Easton Vargas Gabriel | Geología | Unveilling multimillennial cycles and super-cycles of tsunamigenic megathrust earthquakes in the major Northern Chile Seismic Gap | |
Fontbona Torres Joaquín |
Ingeniería Matemática | Propagation of chaos and longtime behavior for some mean field interacting particle systems from mathematical physics and mathematical biology | |
Forster Burón Francisco | Centro de Modelamiento Matemático | Alert brokers in the era of large etendue telescopes: a new tool to understand the variable Universe | |
Gracia Caroca Francisco Javier Esteban | Ing. Química, Biotecnología y Materiales | Study of 2D layered metal oxides as supports for heterogeneous catalysts | |
Jara Díaz Sergio Rodolfo | Ingeniería Civil | Time use, travel time values and the optimal design and pricing of transport services: towards an integrated approach | |
Jenkins . James Stewart |
Astronomía | Exploring the diversity of the most extreme exoplanetary systems | |
Lira Teillery Paulina Maria |
Astronomía | Active Galactic Nuclei, New Approaches | |
Massone Sánchez Leonardo Maximiliano |
Ingeniería Civil | Assessment and Improvement of Reinforced Concrete Wall Ductility | |
Michael . Ernest Alexander | Ingeniería Eléctrica | Balanced correlation heterodyne receivers for interferometry and single-telescope astronomy | |
Navarro Gonzalo | Ciencias de la Computación | Practical Indexes for Very Large Repetitive Text Collections | |
Ordoñez Pizarro Fernando Iván | Ingeniería Industrial | Decomposition Methods for Conic Optimization Problems: Applications in Data Analytics and Robust Optimization | |
Ortega Palma Jaime Humberto | Ingeniería Matemática | Discrete unique continuation properties with applications to inverse and control problems | |
Palza Cordero Humberto Cristián | Ing. Química, Biotecnología y Materiales | Multifunctional polymer/MoS2 nanocomposites for 4D printing and antimicrobial applications | |
Pinto Lincoñir Luisa Del Carmen | Geología | Quantification of mountain building in the Chilean High Andes (32º-33ºS) using structural, geo- and thermo-chronological investigations | |
Quero Franck Jean Christophe | Ing. Química, Biotecnología y Materiales | 3D-printed cation-triggered shape-morphing layered biocomposite scaffolds for tissue engineering application | |
Rahmann Zúñiga Claudia Andrea | Ingeniería Eléctrica | Development of wide area control strategies for ensuring the stability of weak low-inertia power systems | |
Ramírez Cabrera Héctor Ariel | Ingeniería Matemática | Qualification constraints and second order analysis in conic programming: their applications to stability and algorithms | |
Remenik Zisis Daniel Ilan |
Ingeniería Matemática | Around the KPZ fixed point | |
Rojas Barrales Fabián Rodolfo | Ingeniería Civil | Analytical and experimental study of coupled reinforced concrete walls systems | |
Ruíz Del Solar San Martín Javier | AMTC | Deep Learning of Complex Behaviors in Robotics | |
Ruiz Paredes Javier Antonio |
Geofísica | Characterizing source complexity of earthquake ruptures along subduction zones | |
Ruiz Tapia Sergio Arturo | Geofísica | Slow and Fast Earthquakes in Chile | |
Sapone Domenico | Física | SOAP-Cosmo: Statistics for Observed Anisotropies and Probes in Cosmology | |
Sepúlveda Valenzuela Sergio Andrés | Geología | Landslide mechanisms and controlling factors in paraglacial rock slopes in the Chilean Andes | |
Soler Jauma Monica | Ing. Química, Biotecnología y Materiales | Colorimetric and Fluorometric detection and removal of ions from solution using curcuminoid molecules | |
Valenzuela Aros Patricio Andrés | Ingeniería Industrial | Financial Decisions and Regulation During Periods of Financial Distress | |
Wiese Andreas | Ingeniería Industrial | Optimization algorithms for geometric problems |