Proyectos FONDECYT Regular 2017 aprobados con Investigadores Responsables en la FCFM
Investigador Responsable |
Departamento | Título proyecto | Duración |
Arias Rodrigo | Física | Magnonics and the Green-Extinction theorems | 3 años |
Barbay Jeremy | Ciencias de la Computación | Multivariate analysis of algorithms and data structures in computational geometry | 2 años |
Barceló Pablo | Ciencias de la Computación | Semantic optimization in tractable classes of conjunctive queries | 3 años |
Campos Jaime | Geofísica | Fast determination of seismic source parameters in Chiles | 3 años |
Casassus Simón | Astronomía | The nature of transition disks | 4 años |
Contreras R. Eduardo |
Geofísica | Seismic structure of the Nazca and Iquique Ridges and implications for hotspot magmatism and ridge-trench collision along the South American subduction zone | 4 años |
Cordero María Luisa | Física | Determination of heterogeneous, dynamic interfacial tension using the deformation of microfluidic drops | 4 años |
Daniilidis Aris | Ingeniería Matemática | Unifying paradigms, models and structure in optimization | 4 años |
Danille Dolorinda | Geología | Decoding springs, groundwater and fractured-rocks connections at San Felipe-Los Andes area (Aconcagua, basin, Central Chile) | 3 años |
Dávila Juan |
Ingeniería Matemática | Singularity formation in elliptic and parabolic equations | 4 años |
Diaz Daniel |
Geofísica | Modeling and comparison of magmatic structures related to Calbuco and Osorno volcanoes, Southern Andes | 3 años |
Emery Xavier | Ingeniería de Minas | Geostatistics applied to geometallurgy and geomechanics | 4 años |
Estévez Pablo | Ingeniería Eléctrica | Advances in ensemble classifiers, deep learning and information theoretic learning: Applications to big data in Astronomy and EEG signals | 4 años |
Foa Luis | Física | Novel manifestations of topological states in condensed matter | 4 años |
Garreaud Rene | Geofísica | Fundamental data structures for managing large datasets | 2 años |
Gracia Francisco | Ingeniería Química y Biotecnología | Comprehensive kinetic study of CO2 activation over mixed oxide catalysts for SNG production | 3 años |
Huijse Pablo | Ingeniería Eléctrica | Efficient methods based on information theory and machine learning for astronómical images and time series analysis | 3 años |
Kowalczyk Michal | Ingeniería Matemática | Asymptotic stability of the vacuum states and kinks in a hierarchy of defocusing nonlinear wave equations | 4 años |
McPhee James | Ingeniería Civil | Chraracterizing patterns of spatio-temporal variability in snow properties through field and remotely sensed observations | 3 años |
Meruane Viviana | Ingeniería Mecánica | Damage assessment in composite sandwich structures based on full-field vibration measurements and automatic image analysis | 4 años |
Muñoz Ricardo | Astronomía | Searching for the elusive edges of the Magellanic clouds with the DECAM Survey of the Malleganic Stellar History (SMASH) | 4 años |
Muñoz M. Ricardo | Geofísica | Mesoscale dynamic of Raco winds in Central Chile | 3 años |
Navarro Gonzalo | Ciencias de la Computación | Compressed data structures for highly repetitive data sets | 3 años |
Noton Carlos | Ingeniería Industrial | Bargaining Power and Upstream Mergers | 3 años |
Orchard Marcos |
Ingeniería Eléctrica | Prognostics performance metrics base don Bayesien Cramer-Rao Lower Bouns | 4 años |
Ordoñez Fernando | Ingeniería Industrial | Addresing problem size and risk security games | 3 años |
Palma Gonzalo | Física | Theoretical consequences of future cosmological tests on primordial fluctuations | 4 años |
Rapaport Zimermann Ivan | Ingeniería Matemática | Testing and detecting fixed patterns in distribuited systems | 4 años |
Rojas Maisa |
Geofísica | Large-scale climate variatibility on the Southern Hemisphere throughout the Helocene | 4 años |
Ruiz Javier |
Geofísica | Understanding Mechanical Complexity of Subduction Zones through the Analysis and Modeling of Earthquake Source Parameters | 3 años |
Ruiz Sergio |
Geofísica | The relation among small, large and mega-earthquakes in Central Chile | 3 años |
Saez Doris | Ingeniería Eléctrica | Robust distributed predictive control strategies for the coordination of hybrid AC and DC microgrids | 3 años |
Silva Jorge |
Ingeniería Eléctrica | Topics on information and decision with applications to coding and inverse problems in astronomy | 4 años |
Weintrab Andres | Ingeniería Industrial | Stochastic, cooperative and multiple objetive models in logistics | 3 años |
Wiese Andres | Ingeniería Industrial | Approximation algorithms for packing problems | 3 años |